Filmteractive Festival - Summary
The second edition of the Filmteractive Festival 2012 has come to an end. This year our guest range was even more diverse and international. Not only did we welcome representatives of significant brands (Estee Lauder Companies, Polkomtel, Adobe Systems), but also artists (Sławomir Idziak, Yomi Ayeni, Helena Granqvist, Christopher Sandberg), and media (Canal+, iTVP HD, Bloomberg Businessweek Poland, Agora), also those related solely with an online world (Onet.pl , YouTube, MillionYou.com, ISTV).
Day One
Prof. Mariusz Grzegorzek (Łódź Film School), Beata Cygan (Media Klaster Foundation), Olgierd Cygan (Digital One).
The Filmteractive Festival was officially launched by its organisers and the Chancellor of Łódź Film School.
The first day of the Festival began with Joanna Ciemniewska (Polskie Badania Internetu/Polish Internet Research Association), who presented the profile of a statistical Polish Internet user, browsing online predominantly for entertainment (87%).
David Kang (Estee Lauder Companies), in a very accessible and entertaining way, introduced a multilinear marketing strategy of his brand. Although Estee Lauder uses a lot of innovative solutions (social media, YouTube, fora, an accessible online shop), it still cherishes viral marketing based on a simple tell-a-woman principle.
David Kang (Estee Lauder Companies)
Olgierd Cygan, the founder of the Filmteractive Festival, presented a few most interesting video projects awarded at Cannes Lions 2012, such as: I am Playr (Nike), The beauty of a second (Montblanc), GT Academy (Nissan), Plan B (Ballantine’s) and an episode of the new MacGyver for Mercedes-Benz.
Olgierd Cygan (Digital One)
Anrick Bregman showcased his most recent interactive video project, The Black Diamond, prepared for Stella Artois. Tomasz Kreczmar (Hyper+ Channel) analysed the relationships between video games and film, and the issues of interactivity and immersion in general.
Steve Allison (Adobe Systems) introduced the Second Screen application, which adjusted the traditional TV content to mobile devices. Thanks to Adobe, 34% of Brits watched the Olympics on their smartphones. Sławomir Idziak, an acknowledged Polish cinematographer, talked about the Film Spring Open workshops.
Steve Allison(Adobe)
The guests of Filmteractive Festival were also given the possibility to talk to Christopher Sandberg (an Emmy award winner) about the ways to engage audience in an interactive film story.
Day Two
The second day was more focused on the artists. Helena Granqvist (Granny’s Dancing on the Table) and Yomi Ayeni (Clockwork Watch) drew the audience into the world of cross and transmedia projects financed by the crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo.
Helena Granqvist
We also presented the advertising video clips nominated in the “Shoot the Brand” competition, organised by the Filmteractive Festival, Million You and the Digital One interactive agency. Małgorzata Włodarczyk, representative of Miraculum, elaborated on the contest and the strategy of Wars, a traditional Polish men’s cosmetics brand. “Wars – Men’s World” by Adrian Łapczyński was announced a winner project (http://millionyou.com/konkursy/Meski_Swiat,nominowane,51,0,,1.html#movieId=5504).
Małgorzata Włodarczyk (Miraculum) and Tomasz Kurzątkowski (MillionYou.com)
Filmteractive Festival’s guests also had the chance to look at two entirely different TV formats. Mariusz Stecki (iTVP HD) introduced a new multiplatform direction of the Polish Television, while Marcin Jaśkiewicz (ISTV) focused on an innovative television channels existing specifically on the Internet.
Dorota Szostek (Onet.pl) elaborated on vlogs and summarised her presentation with a humorous video by two Franciscans (BezSloganu), who recorded their vlog entry exclusively for the Filmteractive Festival. We also made a video conference call with Karine Dubois, a Canadian film producer, who together with Radio-Canada prepared an interactive web project The Sound of Words.
Dorota Szostek (Onet)
The biggest emotions were enticed by the three discussion panels. The first debate focused on the future of television and featured experts from Canal+, Polkomtel, iTVP HD and YouTube. During the second day our guests had the chance to familiarise themselves with crowdsourcing and crowdfunding (MillionYou.com, Megatotal.pl, Polish Crowdfunding Association). The most lively and controversial debate referred to legality on the web (Legal Culture, Modern Poland Association, Chomikuj.pl, Digital Centre, Agora). The audience had so many questions, the debate had to be prolonged by 40 minutes.
This year the Filmteractive Festival’s Jury awarded four winners for their most innovative projects:
Sławomir Idziak for lifelong achievement in digital and interactive film,
Christopher Sandberg for The Spiral (The best cross-media project),
Karine Dubois for The Sound of Words (The best digital video project),
Mercedes-Benz for MacGyver and the new Citan (The best branded content project).
Olgierd Cygan (Filmteractive Festival) and Aleksander Rzepecki (Mercedes-Benz Poland)
The organisers of the Filmteractive Festival prepared a cosy networking zone for the guests to exchange their views and contacts with a cup of coffee or Pepsi in their hands. We also entertained our guests with a nine-screen wall connected to the Kinect sensor, which displayed various commentaries over the people’s heads. You can see how it worked in the video made by a Polish vloger (http://youtu.be/ncu2b-0OBi0).
The first day of presentations and debates ended with the Gala & Afterparty at the SPINKA Club. Good vibes were provided by Remixed Cinema, SPINKA’s DJs, and Ballantine’s. We hope you will remember those two intellectually stimulating days and visit us next year at the Filmteractive Festival 2013!
Interactive Storytelling
Prepared by Dawid Marcinkowski and Anrick Bregman, acknowledged interactive directors
The workshop does not require any previous knowledge of the subject. It may be especially attractive for those interested in storytelling, film, and gaming.
Interactive Storytelling is a one-day workshop aimed at creating a deeper understanding of what an interactive story is, and how it changes the traditional user experience. The world is changing, and so are the means of telling stories. The modern World Wide Web enables us to engage in dynamic and interactive content via computers, smart phones, and tablets.
The session will entail both, theoretical and practical elements. Firstly, we will showcase various existing projects (also our own) in order to demonstrate how interactive stories work. We will also discuss different types of formats and solutions already used in such stories.
During the practical part of the workshop you will be asked to make your own interactive film. The video will be 1-5 minutes long. In order to simplify the task, we will provide you with a 30-minute source footage. At the end of the session you will be able to share your work with the world! We will upload all the films online.
We will provide professional guidance and take you step by step through the whole procedure. Finally, we will go through all the films together, and discuss them.
During the day you will:
- See existing interactive projects.
- Write the structure of your story.
- Edit your footage.
- Design the visual interface and add music.
- Upload your film online.
The workshop is free of charge. The priority will be given to those guests, who have already covered their Filmteractive Festival entrance fee.
If you would like to participate in Interactive Storytelling workshop, please let us know via e-mail at:
Please note that the number of places available for this workshop is limited (25 people). We will be distributing them on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sławomir Idziak, David Kang and Christopher Sandberg among the key speakers at the second edition of the Filmteractive Festival
Sławomir Idziak, a well known cinematographer and screenwriter, will be one of the most prominent speakers of the second edition of the Filmteractive Festival. Among others, we will also welcome David Kang, vice-president online at Estee Lauder Companies, and Christopher Sandberg, a two-time winner at the International Emmy Awards. A crucial point of the Filmteractive Festival’s agenda will be a debate focusing on the future of TV.
- Similarly to the previous edition, the speakers include artists, filmmakers as well as marketeers. Such a profile of guests goes in line with the
very idea of the Filmteractive Festival, which is supposed to link those diverse domains, creating a beneficial professional environment, says
Olgierd Cygan, founder and organiser of the Filmteractive Festival and the CEO of the Digital One interactive agency.
Among the participants of the Filmteractive Festival are: artists, culture managers, marketeers, filmmakers, and the representatives of interactive
businesses and media. The thematic scope of the Festival (20th-21st Sep. 2012) involves: interactive video, branded content, crossmedia format,
digital storytelling and entertainment, the future of TV, video blogging, consumer engagement in marketing communication, new media content,
crowdsourcing as a method to finance a film project, and other examples of luxury and mass brands adapting to the era of digital communication.
All the information about the Festival may be accessed via our official website at
www.filmteractivefestival.pl, and Facebook profile fan page
at www.facebook.com/FilmteractiveFestival.
Sławomir Idziak will present the results of film workshops of this year’s FILM SPRING OPEN. David Kang will discuss how luxury brands
adapt to the era of digital communication, and Christopher Sandberg will introduce the methods of crowd engagement in the creation
of a dramatic screenplay.
Other speakers of the 2012 Filmteractive Festival include: Anrick Bregman, interactive director at Unit9 and the Webby Awards winner,
presenting an interactive film made for Stella Artois; Yomi Ayeni, a transmedia producer, who will showcase his transmedia project
“The Clockwork Watch”;
and Helena Granqvist, founder and producer at Good World AB. She will demonstrate “Granny's Dancing On the Table”, a crossmedia project,
which is one of a few in Europe to receive funding via Kickstarter.com.
A vital element of the Festival involves the debate on the future of television. It will take place between Jowita Michalska, marketing director at Polkomtel representing Canal Plus, and Maciej Sojka, head of YouTube Video Partnership for Central and Eastern Europe (previously a General Manager and CEO at ITI Neovision and TVN24). The debate will be moderated by Cezary Szymanek, principal editor at Bloomberg Businessweek Poland.
The current agenda of the Festival may be accessed at: http://www.filmteractivefestival.pl/en/programme.php.
The Filmteractive Festival and its Contest are organised by the Media Klaster Foundation (www.mediaklaster.pl), and co-organised by the Digital One interactive agency and the Film School in Łódź. More than 200 guests participated in the first edition of the Festival (2011), with several more watching live transmissions. The speakers included Sławomir Idziak, Blake Whitman (Vimeo), Dawid Marcinkowski (www.sufferrosa.com), Andrew Piller (Fremantle Media UK), and Marta Gomes (Beactive).
The lead sponsor of this year’s Festival is Pepsi Co.
The partners of the 2012 edition include: TVP.pl, Digital One, MillionYou.com, Film Spring Open, British Council, IAB Poland, KIPA, Łódź Film Commission,
Audiowizualni.pl, Stowarzyszenie Komunikacji Marketingowej SAR and Sfera.
Media patronage is provided by: AMS, Gazeta.pl, Bloomberg Business Week Polska, Onet.pl, Ipla.pl, V2 Media, and Wprost. Branch patronage involves: Interaktywnie.com, Media2.pl, Mediarun.pl, Purpose, TelePro and FilmPro.
WWW: www.filmteractivefestival.pl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FilmteractiveFestival
For more information contact:
Daria Głowacka, Filmteractive Festival, tel. 883-699-959, e-mail: daria.glowacka@filmteractive.eu
Filmteractive Festival 2012 – more workshops, more international guests, and more networking opportunities
Between 19th and 21st September, Łódź (Poland) will host the second edition of the Filmteractive Festival, an event focusing on films made with new media in mind. The Festival provides a thriving space where film, interactive, advertising and marketing businesses can exchange their experience and seek new networking possibilities. The key news for this year involves extending the Festival from 2 to 3 days, creating special “networking zones”, and providing an innovative format for the contests. The event will also be much more international than it was in the previous year.
Among the participants of the Filmteractive Festival are artists, culture managers, marketers, as well as the representatives of the film, interactive, marketing and media industry. The thematic scope of the three-day event will focus on the issues of interactive video, branded content, crossmedia formats, digital storytelling, and entertainment in general.
- The key change we intend to introduce in this year's edition of the Festival is extending it by one day, which will be fully dedicated to practical workshops in software and hardware for creating interactive films, directing, and seeking financing for such productions. We will also arrange special networking zones, which together with the extended time of the Festival, will provide excellent conditions for establishing attractive business and inter-business contacts – explains Olgierd Cygan, the CEO and managing partner of Digital One (a strategic interactive agency), and the Festival’s co-organiser and mastermind behind it.
Compared to the previous year, the current edition of the Festival will be much more focused on the international factor.
- We are seeking cooperation with various festivals, shows and fairs in the film industry around Europe. The Filmteractive Festival will also be promoted during this year’s MIPTV in Cannes, an influential gathering of TV & Media industry. We will be advertising our event at the Media Programme Umbrella Stand, searching for innovative European projects in digital and interactive video that we could present in autumn in Poland during the second edition of the Filmteractive Festival – adds Olgierd Cygan.
The important change we are introducing this year refers to the new format of the contests for the filmmakers. A detailed brief will be published on the Festival’s website in April (see: www.filmteractivefestival.pl). All the current updates may be followed on our Facebook profile:
The Filmteractive Festival and its contest are organised by the Lodz Media Cluster Foundation (www.mediaklaster.pl), and co-organised by the most prominent film school in Poland, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. L. Schillera.
More than 200 guests participated in the first edition of the Festival (2011), with several more watching live transmissions. One of the speakers was Sławomir Idziak, a worldwide known cinematographer and director. Other speakers included Blake Whitman (Vimeo), Dawid Marcinkowski (www.sufferrosa.com), Andrew Piller (FremantleMedia), and Marta Gomes (Beactive).
The first prize in the accompanying contest was granted to “Fading Community”, an interactive documentary by Paweł Grzyb featuring the tallest block of flats in Scotland, which was about to be demolished. The users can explore the building, meet its inhabitants, and familiarise themselves with their stories at http://www.youtube.com/filmteractive#p/u/13/oL8G8OOKbYE.
“A Stationary City Bike” by Jan Grobliński was the second project awarded by Festival’s jury. The “City Bike” combined a physical act of cycling with the projection of a film about Łódź. More importantly, the experience of a real trip across the city was enhanced by the fact that the pedalling speed influenced the pace of the displayed motion picture (http://www.youtube.com/filmteractive#p/u/4/P5_LIupJbCw).
The third awarded project was “Coradzicie.pl”, a sales offer produced in the form of an Internet film series